Original Air Date—25 June 1951-
The ghost of Lady Ann continues to walk down the stairs, knife in hand, and into the secret passage where she murdered her domineering husband. She vividly demonstrates her disapproval of Rodney's attempt to conduct an affair with a visiting friend of his wife.
Lights Out s03e44 The Passage Beyond (1951)

Original Air Date—25 March 1954
Doc Holliday leads a double life as both on the side of the law and outside the law. Matt attempts to put an end Doc's two fisted, two faced career.
Stories Of The Century s01e10 Doc Holliday


Original Air Date—3 June 1955
Mr. Conklin spends the morning locked in the cafeteria freezer when Miss Brooks unknowingly locks him in. Later, to show Mr. Boynton how "domestic" she is, Connie offers to cook dinner for him on his new stove. (Mrs. Davis immediately gets to work since Connie can't cook.) At Mr. Boynton's, Miss Brooks turns the stove on to heat the meal, not realizing that the appliance hasn't been properly lit. With a kitchen full of gas, Mr. Conklin wanders in looking for his tool kit. With the kitchen light burned out, he lights a match.
Our Miss Brooks s03e30 Home Cooked Meal


Original Air Date—17 October 1962
While searching for a handkerchief, Rob discovers a bank book in Laura's name with a significant sum of money in the account. He eventually concludes that she is saving money to buy him a birthday present, but also realizes that she's still a little short of the sum she'll need to buy him the gift he wants.
Dyke Van Dyke Show s02e04 Bank Book 6565696

Original Air Date—3 January 1952-
Friday and Romero track down a drug ring through a small-time television actor who is hooked on heroin. Last appearance by Barton Yarborough, who had died in late December 1951.
Dragnet s01e02 The Big Actor

Original Air Date—16 April 1959
Young hood Nick Joseph is put in charge of recruiting new "customers" in a small time protection organization. He has ambitions and wants to get a cut of the bookies' business. Ruditsky gets involved when Nick murders a bookie in cold blood to prove he's serious. This leads to an offer from the big time mobsters to become their contract hit men.
The Lawless Years s01e01 The Nick Joseph Story

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