People Are Funny began on radio in 1942, which reached its peak on television in the mid 1950's. He would have guests chosen beforehand from the studio audience do crazy stunts.
People Are Funny with Art Linkletter

Original Air Date—22 November 1951
Gracie is having friends over for Thanksgiving dinner, including Harry Morton's business partner and his wife, Linda Lee. As it happens, a horse that Harry is betting on is also named Linda Lee, and Grace gets the two "Linda Lees" confused. Complications ensue.
"George Burns and Gracie Allen Show s02e05 Thanksgiving"

Original Air Date—27 November 1963
Thanksgiving has a hitch when Elly bonds with the thanksgiving turkey so the family can't bring themselves to kill it, while Mrs Drysdale hires some Indians to take a thanksgiving picture and it puts Granny on the warpath.
Beverly Hillbillies s02e10 Turkey Day

Original Air Date—31 October 1954
A reporter asks Jack how he found Mary, and Jack remembers himself as a straw-hatted Hollywood boulevardier, twirling a cane, singing "Just a Gigolo " - lured into a May Co. store by a sale on $ 1.99 guaranteed shirts. 22 years later as he's being interviewed, Jack's still wearing the garish shirt. Underwhelmed by Jack's charms, saleswoman Mary Livingstone cracks wise with Jack, while her female co-workers both slice him up and encourage Mary. Episode also features Rochester singing and scat-dancing with The Sportsmen Quartet on "I Get So Lonely."
Jack Benny Program s05e03 How Jack Found Mary

Original Air Date—30 November 1952
Jack is pestered by a young autograph seeker, then Bob Crosby sings a medley of songs from "Peter Pan" to the child. After the show, Jack has trouble getting to sleep because of a leaky faucet and forces Rochester to rock his bed. Finally asleep, a pair of burglars try to ransack Jack's bedroom but are defeated by his booby traps.
Jack Benny Program s03e03 Jack Gets Robbed

Original Air Date—16 December 1963
Gomer makes a citizen's arrest of Barney for committing the same traffic violation that Barney just ticketed him for. This causes Barney to overreact, resigning as deputy and demanding a jail sentence in lieu of paying the fine. When Gomer finds out how far it has gone, he tries to come up with a solution.
Andy Griffith Show s4e11 Citizen's Arrest

Society sleuth Philo Vance investigates a murder tied to a Long Island dog show. Stars William Powell as Detective Philo Vance.
Later in 1945 the beginning of three radio series were created with Philo Vance as the title character.
The Kennel Murder Case (1933)

A private detective finds himself with a perfect new secretary. But after a notorious gossip columnist turns up murdered, she may prove too good to be true.
From an Old Time Radio script.
The Inner Circle (1946)



Original Air Date—29 May 1951
Milton's guests this episode include: Danny Thomas; Beatrice Kraft and her oriential dancers; Fran Warren; opera singer Vivian Della Chiesa; singer/actor Carlos Ramirez; 15 year old violinist Michael Rabin; dancers Harold and Lola; announcer/host of the TV series Lights Out Frank Gallop.
Berle enters as a June bride. Later, he coaches Thomas on how to host a weekly variety series while cracking a bullwhip at his writers.
Texaco Star Theater s03e37 Guest Danny Thomas

Original Air Date—5 April 1953
An epidemic of cattle rustling is hitting the small ranchers and farmers in the valley, and the cattle seem to just vanish into thin air.
Roy Rogers Show s02e10 Phantom Rustlers

Original Air Date—31 October 1954
The Hard Luck Insurance Company claims that it will insure a rancher for the rest of his life for just one payment. Roy suspects the company is a racket, and sets out to investigate.
Roy Rogers Show s04e06 Hard Luck Story

Original Air Date—23 December 1953
Margie forces Vern to eat "Boomies" cereal so the next-door-neighbor boy can win a prize. Vern is concerned because his company represents a rival product. The situation comes to a head just before Margie and Vern are scheduled to appear on a live children's program sponsored by "Boomies" cereal.
My Little Margie 03e17 Margie's Millionth Member

Original Air Date—2 December 1953
Margie invites Mr. Honeywell and a prospective client to dinner. She lets Freddie, who now has a job selling cookware, make the dinner. What she doesn't know is that Vern's client is a competitor of Freddie's company.
My Little Margie s03e14 Whats Cooking?

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