Original Air Date—
24 November 1953
New schoolteacher arrives, keeps unruly students in line with her sweet demeanor and sharpshooting skills. One vindictive female student and some town busybodies try to get her run out of town.
Death Valley Days s02e06 Dear Teacher

Original Air Date—15 May 1963
Bill Hawks travels to a desert town to visit an old friend, an Indian who has a ranch there. However, upon arriving on his friend's property, he discovers that it is under the control of the local townspeople, who are drilling for water, and that his friend is nowhere to be seen. The townspeople are unwilling to give him any information, and in fact display outright hostility to him, leading Hawks to suspect that his friend may be in danger or even dead.
Wagon Train s06e34 Alias Bill Hawks

Original Air Date—15 October 1957The newspaper editor of Wilcox asks the Rangers for help, and two of them are dispatched to the town. However, when they get there they find the editor has been lynched and is hanging from a tree.
26 Men s01e01 The Recruit.

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